Chain Ring and GIF Images

I love my new ring ! I bought this wonderful chain ring for  5Euro at H&M. Only problem? I broke it only after one day ! I give you the useful advice to be careful when searching for stuff in your bag, one may accidently pull of his chains. So just act like you have just polished your nails and have to drag something out of your purse, than you will be save!

Anyway an even more useful tip is how to create a GIF image!


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Jewellery Line: & other stories ring and earrings

I bought great jewellery on my last trip to Berlin. The stylish label &other stories opened a store in Berlin and just had to visit and shop.


I fell in love with this blue/green/yellow/gold/metallic/purple ring right away and of course I bought the matchung earrings, too.  BlueRing Continue reading