
Palms and BubblesHi fashion addicts, lovers and rebels!

We are Lilaw and Waniea, two Fashion addicts, lovers and rebels from Germany. In our blog we want to involve you in our world of Palms and Bubbles. We blog about our personal style, our passion for fashion, our work and our inspiration. We hope you enjoy the bubbles we blow in your face!

The name Palms and Bubbles symbolizes the places we are connected to (Hawaii, California and Iraq) and the spirit of the sunny side of life. Bubbles are all the dreams, phantasies and inspirations we have.

Lilaw: I am happily engaged to Photography for several years and lived the Hawaiian dream in my semester abroad. Fashion has always been a true love of mine but art gives me the bubbles I can dream in.

Waniea: I was born in the Kurdish part of Iraq but I grew up in Germany. I graduated from university and currently work for StylesYouLove.de. The Californian Dream was mine for a semester. I lived in Long Beach and enjoyed palm trees and the sun. I am surrounded by Fashion most of the time and I love it. My job gives me great insights to new trends and shops and my passion gives me the drive.

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