Chain Ring and GIF Images

I love my new ring ! I bought this wonderful chain ring for  5Euro at H&M. Only problem? I broke it only after one day ! I give you the useful advice to be careful when searching for stuff in your bag, one may accidently pull of his chains. So just act like you have just polished your nails and have to drag something out of your purse, than you will be save!

Anyway an even more useful tip is how to create a GIF image!


It is very easy to create a GIF image and I love the effect. So here are the simple steps of how to create a GIF image

a) search for a suitable GIF CREATOR on the net : for example:

b) upload your photos and put them in the right order

c) set the speed ( I used 350 milliseconds) and the size of the GIF image ( I used about 75%)

d) Download your GIF image and DONE!

It is a lot of fun, maybe one could make a transformation of how you put make up on or you jump or dance, or you blow bubbles! You can do a lot of fun stuff with it. Just remember to turn on the series function on your camera, when doing movements.Try, cry, dry!


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4 thoughts on “Chain Ring and GIF Images

  1. Hey !! 😀

    Super cool Blog and nivce advice how to do a gif. I always wanted to try it! But gah i just always forgot to do it. Stupid eh? 😉

    Nice Gifs i really like them! And I really like your blog. Keep on going like this. 🙂

    • Hey Franky, thank you for your beautiful comment!
      Hope I gave u the impulse to finally try out an GIF image! 😉
      But to reassure you, I planned on a GIF image AGES ago, always to lazy to finally find out how to make them.But voila one lazy day can make a difference 😀

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