How to tie my scarf!

Every girl has scarves, every girl buys many many scarves because one day she will learn how to tie them in some awesome and stylish way… well… nope! Not really! I have so many scarves at home in all possible colors and I never have the patience to watch youtube tutorials and learn the directions. Don’t worry there is a solution!

How to tie a scarf tutorial headband

At StylesYouLove we created a guide that concentrates on exactly this problem and guess who took all the pretty photos? Lilaw did! It was a great experience working with Lilaw at my job. So my coleagues and I designed this guide with 27 directions and helpful information about scarves and the best thing about it: It is available as a download and it is for free! You should check it out and then print it out so it is always in reach when you want to go out and finally use one of your scarves. There is only one tiny little problem: It is not available in English 😦

On the other hand the directions are more than clear and if you don’t speak German, there is also a guide in Spanish and in French!

Here you can find the German guide:  Tücher binden Guide

the French guide if you parle francais:  Comment nouer un foulard? Le guide

and of course for my amigos in Spain: Cómo ponerse un pañuelo Guía

Here are some photos:

How to tie a scarf tutorial bracelet How to tie a scarf tutorial top How to tie a scarf tutorial bagHow to tie a scarf How to tie a scarf- pirate How to tie a scarf tutorial How to tie a scarf tutorial scarf How to tie a scarf tutorial loop How to tie a scarf tutorial dress How to tie a scarf tutorial pirate How to tie a scarf tutorial skirt How to tie a scarf tutorial bow How to tie a scarf tutorial vintage

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6 thoughts on “How to tie my scarf!

  1. Das sind wirklich klasse Ideen, davon muss ich unbedingt welche auspobieren…wenn ich nen Post draus mache, werd ich dich verlinken 😉 Übrigens finde ich deinen Blog insgesamt total klasse, der Header weckt gerade Fernweh in mir ^^

    Lg Christin
    besuch mich auf Facebook

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