Photo of the Month: Agnes Part 1

Let me present my Swedish friend Agnes! This wonderful, inspiring and very beautiful  lady I was happy to shoot during my stay in Hawaii.

Light effects


The preparation for the shoot was rather simple. I slightly curled Agnes hair but remained her makeup natural as it was. That’s the great thing about blond hair and blue eyed girls they have this natural, fresh and beautiful look! Especially with the beach next door you seriously don’t need much more to get nice shots.

Still it was a little bit difficult to find a not crowded  place in Waikiki. But searching for a quite place is important as: First no one wants to see tourists in the background of the photos, second the model feels much more comfortable with no staring people around.

In part one of this series I added some light effects to get a fresh, lively and sun- loving mood. My second part of the series with Agnes will try to give a more sensual mood. So watch out for it !!!


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